Empowered People & Transformed Nations!
WEC has three main focus constituencies, namely:
- WEC membership communities worldwide;
- Africa reconstruction communities worldwide;
- Faith communities worldwide.
To foster the broad-based economic, social and spiritual collaboration, reconstruction and empowerment amongst deserving groups, communities, enterprises and nations, through:
- Initiatives for people engagement, capacity building and transformation;
- Master solutions and projects for business, economic and social self-determination and prosperity;
- Win-win strategic partnerships with communities, business, public sector, professionals, and co-operating partners; and,
- Technical and financial facilitation.
To create self-determination and a prosperous order of wealth and livelihoods among households, people’s enterprises, communities and nations, characterised by broad-based prosperity, equity, integration, and sustainability.
- Faith
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Restoration
- Collaboration
- Leadership
- Dominion
- Initiative
- Equity